Single-flowered: a single row of flat or cupped florets with a central disc. 12-24 inches tall.
Anemone-flowered: a large outer ring of flat petals with a mass of tubular florets in the center. 24-36 inches tall.
Collarette: a large outer layer of flat petals with an inner wreath of collar-like florets. 30-48 inches tall.
Waterlily: full double blooms in a flattened shape. Up to 48 inches tall. Decorative: the Flowerbulbs.com 2021 summer bulb of the year! Learn more about this stunning bloom below.
Ball: small globe-like variety with double blooms. Flat florets that are blunt or round-tipped. 48 inches tall.
Pompon: another small, globe-like variety with double blooms. Florets are curled and blunt or round-tipped. 32-48 inches tall.
Cactus: double flowers with long, pointed petals. 60 inches tall.
Semi-Cactus: another double flower with long pointed petals, but the petals curl for half or less of their length. 60 inches tall.
Peony-flowered: open-centered flower with 2 or more rows or rounded petals. 40 inches tall.
Mignon: small variety with single layer of rounded florets 1-3 inches long. Well suited for containers. 20 inches tall.
Topmix: another small variety of single-flowers. Quite bushy and well suited for containers. 14 inches tall.